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Thursday 25 July 2013 01:55
Strange and Ridiculous Fatwas
Wahhabis’ advertisement, a self-made religion, are developing around the world because of some various reason including huge investment of Saudi Arabia officials. Zionist and Americans are working hard to reduce the impact of real Islam so most of the people with various religions who convert to Islam turn to Sunni and then Wahhabi.
Strange and Ridiculous Fatwas

TEHRAN (Asremrooz): Wahhabis’ advertisement, a self-made religion, are developing around the world because of some various reason including huge investment of Saudi Arabia officials. Zionist and Americans are working hard to reduce the impact of real Islam so most of the people with various religions who convert to Islam turn to Sunni and then Wahhabi.
Mohammad Alarifi, a Wahhabi scholar and who has some Arab and Saudi Arabia, has set up a new page in Facebook in order to develop Wahhabi and he also support Syria terrorists.
His films have been played in this page and he pays attention to tradition of Wahhabis. Although it is not welcomed by people, we are going to explain their ideas in order to aware our young.
Strange and ridiculous Fatwa
1. Having child in far: if a girl lived in east marries with a boy lived in west and they never visit each other if after 6 month the woman find out he is pregnant, his father is the boy although they never meet each other.
2. If one of the couple has been in jail for 5 years and after releasing he or she see some children in his or her house, all of them are his/ her children even they never meet each other.
3. Wearing seat belt is prohibited because it prevents destiny.
4. Washing meat before cooking is prohibited, the Islam prophet cooked meat without washing it.
5. A man can have s--e--x with his dead wife
6. The Shabab Al-Mujahideen in Somalia declared a Fatwa on Ramadan, eating Sambuse is prohibited because it is similar Slavs Christian.
7. Mohammad Al-Zaqbi said “eating Jin’s meet is Halal”.
8. Jamal Qotb, former Chairman of Fatwa committee of Al-Azhar said “listening to recitation of holy Quran while driving and at work is prohibited”.
9. Sheikh Abd-al-Mohsen Abikan, Saudi Wahhabi Mufti and senior officials of the Ministry of Justice in a Fatwa published in Al-Khalil said “fasting is not necessary for those who live in place without electricity power”.
10. Sheikh Ahmad Abu- Youssef, director of the Center for Faith Religious Culture, Egypt, said “he who dies of AIDS is considered as a Martyr of Islam”.
11. Daei Abd-Allah, Noor Al Aslah Mosque Imam in Washington claimed “ homo s—e—xuality is lawful. He confessed I had this experience when I was young. I want to spread new version of Islam”.
12. Union Group of Egyptians claimed that eating tomatoes are prohibited because it is cut vertically we see a crucifix in its middle so tomatoes are Christians.
13. 'Isa ibn Salih "prominent Wahhabi mufti announced his newest Fatwa “It is permissible for those who suffer from impotence, watching pornographic films, as long as the players are Muslims”.
14. Shaykh 'Jasim al-Saidi, Mufti prominent Wahhabis Bahrain, announced a strange fatwa “ as it is said “sale of Alcohol and s—e—x is legal for removing shortage of funds in Bahrain”.
15. A member of Kuwait Fatwa Committee said “saffron is drug so it is prohibited”.
16. Shaykh Ibn Jbryn climed : What is the rule for women wearing jeans? Wearing pants are prohibited”.
17. Sheikh "Muhammad Alryfy" Saudi Wahhabi said “The girl’ presence with the father in a quiet location is prohibited.
18. One of the Wahhabi Saudi Mufti Sheikh Saleh Alfvzan siad “ those who do not pray must be killed”
19. Turn on the air conditioner in the absence of a husband is forbidden for women
20. Riding bike is forbidden
We hope that all will be aware of these strange fatwas .
Code : 59698