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Thursday 18 July 2013 12:27
What Dose “Share” Means?
Mohammad Reza Khatami, the secretary of Mosharekat party, in an interview with Sharq newspaper said “we do not want share but we will follow our demands in Ruohani’s state”.
What Dose “Share” Means?

TEHRAN (Asremrooz): Mohammad Reza Khatami, the secretary of Mosharekat party, in an interview with Sharq newspaper said “we do not want share but we will follow our demands in Ruohani’s state”.
According to this report, he added “reformers do not require share, it means they do not want to be minister or representative. I have not seen any reformers who nor give a list to Ruohani neither has pressure. It is Ruohani and his team responsibility”.
In response to this question that we noticed some radical reformers and Principlists voted him said “we must not discus about words. I do not believe to radical reformer. All reformers by various point of view and idea believe that they are working in the frame of law and system but their literature are different”.
In contrast his important and planed statement, not only reformers try to be in new cabinet but also they mention their previous promise and plans. For approving our clime we are going to refer some of them.
• According to Bultannews on Tir 24th quoted Yesterday Radio that “Khatami in a meeting of some artists said “ Jameei Mosque is the best choice for Culture and Islamic Guidance Ministry”.
• Kamaly on Tir 23th said “we do not look for share of 11th state. We had influence on Ruohani’s victory. IRIB announced workers society, Khatami and Hahsem influenced on His victory”. He added “there was a suggestion but I recommended three other individuals”.
• Mr. Abtahi, the head of Khatami’s office, said “various individuals are in Reformist movement. In my idea it is better to put it on his shoulders. But we made a mistake we must clear all discussion before coalition but we did not if we did it would be better for him too”.
Therefore if they are not requiring share so what will it be? In response to his idea about there is not any Radical reformist we must say if it is true who created the sedition occurred in 1388? Who is radical?
Code : 58947